Thursday, March 16, 2006

The Burdens of Youth?

I am concerned about the welfare of my generation, Generation Y. I am concerned that so many of my peers, despite college education, seem unable to find stable and appropriate employment. Oh yes, they may find some service jobs, and they may find some temp work, but overall the wages are lower than expected, and benefits are scant. And for those living in California, housing costs are prohibitively expensive. All this, faced with the troubles posed by the impending boomer retirements, and we're looking at a very bad situation.

I recently discovered the work of Anya Kamenetz, a blogger and columnist hailing from my own Generation Y, who takes on the economic issues surrounding twenty-somethings, especially with regards to (student loan) debt, in her book. Intrigued by the buzz surrounding the work, I have ordered it. Perhaps that's an example of the impulsive consumerism to which some attribute my generations debt, but I see it as a positive step to grow more informed about the issue and plan a course of action. And if nothing else, I'm contributing to the income of at least one 25-year old with my purchase...

Overall, I'm very frustrated with the political lot of youth in this country. I think that the twenty-somethings of the US should be pissed off about their marginalization. I think they should be pissed off that this country is eating its young. I think they should be pissed off that their parents and their grandparents are mortgaging their future. And I think that if this anger is channeled into political action, the youth vote could be a force to be reckoned with. As for how to get youth to vote at a higher rate than they do (a shockingly low 10% of those eligible) I don't know what to do yet. Perhaps they know. I'll be mulling this one over...


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