Tuesday, March 21, 2006

My car has been de-virginized...

Today, upon arriving home and pulling in to a parking space, I hit this:
Which did this to my car:
The estimate? An astounding $2100. Amazing. I am thankful I have good insurance...

Lesson learned: be not hasty and do not let the commuter life rush you.

The odd thing is, I think I'm actually somewhat relieved by this episode. I was feeling so rushed and harried by commuter life - it seemed like I couldn't get anything done because I was always on the road and/or working during business hours. Now that I'm forced to take a day off to handle this, I'm strangely at peace. Yes, part of my car that should be up near the front has been ripped off and now rests in my trunk, but I'm forced to pull away from the grind and deal with it. I'll be going to an auto-body shop and a rental-car place in the town in which I live. I'll take some time to, *gasp*, wash my car. And yes, I may even get to the post-office too, which was what I was intending to do when this whole mess began...


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