Sunday, November 26, 2006

Tree farms are for wusses

Sometime in the past week, the Sacramento Bee ran a piece in their home & garden section regarding that hallowed piece of post-Thanksgiving tradition - the family outing to get a Christmas tree.

But hold up. The piece in the Bee talked only about going to tree farms. "Tree farms?" I say, no small hint of derision in my voice. Yes, tree farms. Plots of land, commercially owned and operated, planted with trees, maintained and groomed. Am I to believe that for those who are used to the box-store sprawl of a California metrosuburbanopolis, going to such a place actually makes one feel outdoorsey and traditional? Are these the same people who think they're granola because they occasionally go to Yosemite?

Really, all I have to say is that a tree farm ain't got nothin' on the slope above a dirt logging road at 6500 feet on a snow-covered, minor Cascade volcano:

Y'all best respect the O.G. holiday-ness...


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