Tuesday, October 19, 2004

Remember when we used to talk on ICQ?

So I'm taking the plunge. After checking my friends' blogs today, I realized that while I know all about what's going on with their lives via the blogs, they know little to nothing of the recent goings-on of my life. So I've decided to take the plunge and get my very own little cyber-soap box. Expect odd musings on odd subjects, occasional rants, and basically the same, masturbaory drivel that you find on most blogs. Maybe some of my friends will want to read it. If I don't already know you, what the hell are you doing here anyway?


At 12:06 AM, Blogger brenda said...

Aaah...remember when we used to talk in person?
Gotta love how technology makes "communication" easier...

At 11:17 PM, Blogger brenda said...

Hey! Write something!

Goggla smurk. Rubimidung dumdom bobbleshmock. Kuchiroo.

At 3:58 PM, Blogger brenda said...

Well, here's another comment: I think the stated purpose of blogs is for the operator to post thoughts, statements, opinions, and things they otherwise personally find interesting.

The purpose of having a blog is not to check for other people to comment on it.


If you would let me post anonymously this "blog" would be much more interesting ;)


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